Digital Health Leadership Program

In order for African countries to develop robust, connected digital health systems, there must be the human capacity to develop, maintain, and fully utilize these systems. Many governments and ministries of health lack the capacity and skills to make decisions about, develop strategies for, and use digital health systems.

The objective of the Digital Health Leadership Program is to help develop the technical capacity in African digital health leaders, particularly in government agencies, to develop, manage, and direct in-country digital health initiatives and investments. The specific objectives are to:

  • Facilitate in-country personnel to receive certification training.

  • Establish a mentorship program that supports the graduates from the certification programs to apply the knowledge acquired in-country.

  • Establish a peer network that enables peer learning, support, and information exchange.

  • Provide technical assistance and on-the-job training (through the mentors).

    Expected outcomes of the program include:

  • Improvements in management of in-country digital health initiatives.

  • Increased confidence of the in-country digital health leaders in the program as they are supported by both mentors and peers.

  • Improvements in the execution of on-the-job activities and decisions of participants as learnings are applied.


    The African Alliance’s Digital Health Leadership Program is intended to systematically and coherently build capacity through the training, mentorship, and support throughout the program, thus tying generic course content and knowledge to digital health. This program is a component of a bigger vision and agenda of building digital health capacity in Africa. The program seeks to improve the capacity for digital health across the continent, with a specific focus of public-sector agencies such as ministries of health and of technology (or communication).


    The application package can be accessed here.

    Application forms can be completed here:

    The application deadline is May 31st, 2019.